10 things you didn’t know about Amayenge

  1. Amayenge, the group started by Kris Chali in 1978 in Choma
  2. It was band was originally called Crossbones
  3. Later the band became known as the New Crossbones, after a change in direction, sponsorship and management
  4. The musical style of the group is called kalindula a distinctive Zambian popular style with traditional African roots
  5. Chali died 30 May 2003, but the band has continued with Fraser Chilembo as their leader
  6. In 1996, Amayenge travelled to Whidbey Island, WA, where they met up with Moye Kashimbi, who had left Zambia to marry US citizen, Vernon Huffman, who became Tour Director for Amayenge. The band was enthusiastically received by audiences across the Pacific Northwest
  7. Amayenge have dominated Zambia’s music scene for the almost two and half decades by embracing all the 73 tribes of Zambia and making the entire nation feel a part of their unique vibe
  8. They have multiple awards namely Brath Awards, Best Kalindula Band, Ngoma Awards Festival, Best Band award (6th time to receive this award) and Best Band of the year at the Zambia International Trade Fair Show
  9. They are without a doubt, the most versatile and successful band in the history of Zambian music
  10. Current Band Members: Alice Chali (Dancer/Vocalist, Obert Chali (Vocalist/Dancer), Emmanuel Kayeji (Dancer/Vocalist), Bester Mudenda (Dancer/Vocalist), Jonathan Nthanga (Lead Guitar), Mathews Mulenga (Rhythm Guitar), Joseph Mwamba (Drums), Davy Muthali (Percussionist), Chabala Chitambo (Percussionist), Donald Njovu (Percussionist), Eddy Moto (Sound Engineer), Sam Chiluba (Bass)