Chitambo Local Authority Settles November Cash-for-Work Payments

Youth Village Zambia
2 Min Read

The Chitambo local authority has disbursed K1,674,000 in payments to beneficiaries of the cash-for-work program for November. The program is part of the government’s initiative to address challenges posed by the drought that affected the 2023-2024 farming season.

In a statement issued by Public Relations Officer Rodrick Nyirenda, the local authority expressed gratitude to beneficiaries for their patience during the delayed payments.

Addressing Payment Delays

To mitigate delays and improve efficiency, Chitambo local authority hired 20 data entry personnel to assist in processing payments. This step is expected to streamline operations and prevent future setbacks.

The beneficiaries, who play a vital role in community improvement projects, have now been compensated for their efforts, which have contributed to local development initiatives.

December Employment Update

For December, the local authority has employed 4,973 individuals under the cash-for-work program. Each worker will receive K600 for 10 days of labor. This move reflects the government’s commitment to providing financial relief and creating temporary employment opportunities for affected residents.

Government Support for Drought-Affected Communities

The cash-for-work program was introduced by the government to alleviate economic challenges faced by Chitambo residents due to prolonged drought. The initiative not only provides short-term income but also engages beneficiaries in activities that promote community development.

The Chitambo local authority’s dedication to the program highlights its resolve to support the community during difficult times while ensuring fair and timely compensation for workers.

This initiative demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing rural challenges and empowering citizens with sustainable solutions.

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