- Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda (born 28 April 1924), also known as KK, is a Zambian former politician who served as the first President of Zambia from 1964 to 1991.
- He was born at Lubwa Mission in Chinsali, Northern Province of Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia.
- He attended Munali Training Centre in Lusaka (August 1941 – 1943).
- In April 1949, Kaunda returned to Lubwa to become a part-time teacher, but resigned in 1951.
- In that year he became Organising Secretary of Northern Province’s Northern Rhodesian African National Congress.
- On 11 November 1953 he moved to Lusaka to take up the post of Secretary General of the ANC, under the presidency of Harry Nkumbula.
- In 1955 Kaunda and Nkumbula were imprisoned for two months with hard labour for distributing subversive literature; such imprisonment and other forms of harassment were normal rites of passage for African nationalist leaders.
- Kaunda broke from the ANC and formed the Zambian African National Congress (ZANC) in October 1958.
- ZANC was banned in March 1959. In June Kaunda was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment, which he spent first in Lusaka, then in Salisbury.
- Kaunda subsequently ran as a UNIP candidate during the 1962 elections.
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kenneth Kaunda