10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hammerskjoeld Simwinga

Youth Village Zambia
1 Min Read
  1. Hammerskjoeld Simwinga is a Zambian environmentalist.
  2. He received the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2007.
  3. Simwinga tried to stop elephant poaching through community economic initiatives.
  4. He is named after former United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a plane crash in Zambia in 1961.
  5. Simwinga was a family guy.
  6. Hammer Simwinga appeared on Time Magazine’s list of “Heroes of the Environment” October 2007.
  7. Hammer is the founder and Executive Chairman of the Foundation for Wildlife and Habitat Conservation, headquartered in Muchinga Province in northern Zambia.
  8. He is currently spearheading the creation of the Mukungule Community Nature Conservancy, to be Zambia’s first community-initiated and -operated nature conservancy.
  9. Hammer is married and has 4 children.
  10. Simwinga also liked fishing.
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