10 things you didn’t know about Ephraim

  1. A Christian/Gospel artist Ephraim Mutalange is known in the Southern parts of Africa as “The Son of Africa
  2. Born in Kalulushi and raised in a small town in Northern Zambia in the Copperbelt Province
  3. In a family of six, he is the last born
  4. Ephraim started singing at a very tender age
  5. He used to sell various merchandise on the street to try and make a living
  6. When he discovered his talent, he refused to sing secular music feeling led to sing gospel music
  7. Mutalange is now a husband and father and produces albums with other recording artists and has recorded over 7 Gospel Albums all of which have been very successful with a message of hope and love
  8. One of his Album features 14-year-old Alyssa Kay on “Move Me On.”
  9. By travelled around the world, he started singing and sharing his testimony
  10. Ephraim wants to spread the news of hope, peace, love and salvation through his music, Because of what Christ has done in his life